Sunday, January 23, 2011

Back to the Philippines

I arrived back in the Philippines on Friday, January 7th.  I almost got sent back to Hong Kong because I didn't have a departure ticket from the Philippines.  Immigration wasn't going to let me into the country without one.  Fortunately, God worked out this unexpected expense for my favor.  I was able to get an "open ticket" which means I don't have to commit to a departure date, but I still was able to get into the country.

I was warmly received back to IFL.  It was so good to see everyone here again!  Aubrey (the little baby I took care of) now blows bubbles and "sings" as well as rolls over!  It's amazing how much little babies change in short periods of time! (Sorry, I don't have an updated picture of her yet.)

I hit the ground running when I returned here.  The extended schedule for school started the Monday I got back, and that meant all of the mistakes I made when I scheduled teachers had to be corrected by then.  It also meant that I started teaching the high school students (which I love doing!).  We made it through with only minor bumps, praise the Lord!

Monday night, I gave a brief training to some of the English teachers.  They were very appreciative of the things I shared. (It was about how to help struggling students.)

I feel like my purpose here is made more clear.  My trip to the states put so many things in perspective for me!  I have come to the realization that I don't know how to be a missionary.  I don't know how to love.  And this is exactly where God wants me so that I can learn.  I woke up one morning and realized just how often I ask the wrong question.  The daily question is not, "What am I going to do today?" but, "How am I going to love today?"  What a paradigm shift this is causing in me!

I now have a 100 square meter garden that I am working in.  It started as just a small portion of it, but I have more time and desire than just the one portion necessitates.  So, I am SLOWLY learning how to make 100 square meters feed a family.  I am really enjoying my time there each day. Mirasol likes helping me, too. :-)

Mirasol found her own tool to help me spread compost.

She never stopped giggling the whole time we worked!

I have also learned how to make earrings.  I still need to buy my own pliers.  I figure I can do it as a hobby now and teach it as a livelihood later in life.  I made a few pairs of earrings already, borrowing a pair of pliers until I can get my own. :-) Here's a picture of my first pair.

I also started taking guitar and voice lessons.  Yes, I am learning how to sing!  I'm so excited about this!  I have ALWAYS surrounded myself with skilled musicians, but have never been able to talk to them in musical terms.  Now, I am being prepared to be a better coach for worship!

On the worship note, I have shared my music with one of the worship leaders here.  He taught the team "Stay Amazed" from the God Be Praised CD and played it at the youth group last week.  Something shifted in the spiritual atmosphere that night.  Worship hasn't been the same ever since!

I am preparing for a teacher seminar that will be presented February 18th and 19th.  It will cover topics ranging from classroom management to learning how to learn to forming effective questions.  I AM SOO EXCITED to do this!! Please keep this covered in prayer.

I chopped my hair off.  It is now barely below my shoulders.  I really like it! I think I was 14 years old the last time it was this short!

In other news, Aubrey and Genesis moved to the "playroom."  That means they are no longer my roommates.  I miss them!  And Tina's sponsor is here visiting for a week, staying in the room that Genesis and Aubrey once occupied.  It's already been really good to find out more about why Tina decided to study and where she came from.

I had a frog in my shower one night that I was here.  The next morning, he was in my bed.  So, with a little help from a friend, I have the workings of a new story.  Please keep praying for these story projects.   I don't yet know what God wants to do with them, but they keep coming. :-)
This is my pillow.  Did he think I was sleeping beauty?????

I have felt your prayers and the presence of the Lord in a very tangible way.  As you pray, I gain more understanding of my role here and my thoughts about choosing a different path are silenced.  Thank you!  Please don't stop.  I know the Lord is not yet finished with me being here and your prayers are causing His work to be accomplished in my life and others.  

Even when I don't understand His ways, I am confident that He loves me.  He makes all things beautiful in His time.


  1. love the haircut and the earrings. we had a ladies retreat at church this weekend and one of the recurring themes was how much God loves us and is constantly wooing us. will be praying for all of your different projects.

    love you - aunt patti

  2. It is so encouraging to hear everything God is doing there!

    I have entered into a new season since you were here. God has really spoken to me (so much that I am not sure I absorbed or retained near all of it) through the two Equip classes I am taking this semester. God specifically led me to both classes, I will have to share the story of how he led me to the one next time we chat. Kind of amazing. Today I also went to the Prayer Tools class after months of talking about it. God really did a work in me and spoke mighty things into my life.

    I will be praying for your requests on here and even the ones we discussed previously. Just know that what God is doing through you is much larger than you can see.
