- To know God's heart and strategy for each day
- For God to give direction on what parts of IFL I am to serve in
- Wisdom in the following areas: what to pack, finances, relationships, time management, what to study, what to prepare
- That my family and I would be able to appropriately grieve/cry/celebrate all of the transition that is occurring in my life (and ours)
- Traveling mercies- to Colorado and to the Philippines
So, I realize I have not updated this in a few weeks. It has been sooooo busy!!!!! I've barely slept, much less had time to update here. But there is much to say! And therefore, there is much to read! Please leave comments- it encourages me so much to read your responses.
Going Away Party
May 29th, I had my going away party for my friends. "Wow!" is about all I can say! We grilled out and my family provided some fruit, chips, cupcakes, and s'mores. My dad was the "S'more Man" melting chocolate and marshmallows like a pro!
It was so fun to have so many of my friends show up! I think there were about 40+ people who came through. Most of my friends didn't know each other. I had so much joy watching my friends make new friends with each other. Divine appointments were made that night.
After hitting a Koosh ball around, eating, and talking for a while, we moved into more serious matters. I shared the full story of how God called me to the Philippines (if you want to read it, go to my first post). My mom shared about the "phone call" that changed everything. I loved having my mom share. This is the first mission opportunity where I had my parent's permission/blessing before the opportunity came. That's God for you!
Then, Dani (Tiffany) and Rachel Paige set up a full sound system. They sang some beautiful songs over me. It blessed my heart to see them fulfilling a dream together.
Then, Amber and I went into "free flow worship" mode. Amber and I have operated together in a style of worship called, "Harp and Bowl" for at least a year now. "Harp and Bowl" is where she starts out singing either a known song or making one up, then I will pray something, and she will turn the prayer into a song. God's presence of peace shows up every time. I am going to miss that girl so much!
Some of the spontaneous things that were prayed/sang during this time were prayers for the Philippines to know Jesus as their Boss. God almost always starts putting things on people's hearts and starts talking to them when there is this Harp and Bowl model of worship.
When God starts speaking, it's called prophetic words. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He still speaks.
I digress...He spoke some incredibly powerful things to people who then shared them with me. God has promised me protection. He said that what I am going to do in the Philippines is bigger than I can imagine. God said He is going to use me to heal people, to change so many things so that He is made famous. I will walk without fear.
The best part of the night was seeing my parents loved on by all of my friends and having my parents release me to do God's work for the rest of my life. I love my parents so much. This transition is so hard on them. Please keep them and my brother, Jack, covered in prayer.
Global Ministries Meeting
I got to meet with Pastors Mark Jobe and Juan Constantino from Gateway's Global Ministries department. Pastor Mark gave me connections to other people in the Philippines to connect with. He asked me what I wanted from the Global department. I wanted covering, relationship, and sending. I have it. This is so important to be sent from my home church. I know that there is a future between IFL and Gateway. When I came to Gateway 6 years ago, I knew it was the place I would be sent from. Even knowing God had spoken so clearly for me to go, I wanted the blessing and relationship of the missions department, not just my friends from church. In talking with Pastor Mark and Pastor Juan, I am even more excited about what God is going to do in the future. :-)
Closing the Classroom
I was not at all prepared for closing up my classroom last week. I think that was the hardest part of this transition to date. I don't think I have cried all the tears I have to cry over that change.
Teaching third grade has been my mission field and a source of stability for me for the last three years. Even on bad days, I still absolutely have adored my job. It was the hardest job in the world and demanded all my time, but I would not have had it any other way. My munchkins were worth every hour I spent for them. In the last three years, my roommates changed multiple times, my address changed multiple times, my co-workers changed multiple times, and my principal changed. But my job description and classroom location did not.
I left three years of curriculum behind. But more than that, I said, "See you later," to my co-workers and my students. My co-workers are my friends, not just staff people. I saw them more than anyone else in my life. I already miss them. My students were my kids, not just students. Even the kids from last year still came to give me hugs and talk up.
So, as I closed the door to my classroom, and turned in my keys, I couldn't help but let the tears fall. And there will be more as the reality of what I'm doing sets in. But even in the sorrow, I never had a second thought about leaving. It hurts, but I would not have it any other way. God is worth giving up my securities for. He is my security.
Moving Home
The last few weeks have been so filled with decisions that I was at my wits' end on Friday (6-4). I had said bye to my students that day. My kids were so sad to leave my class, a few of them had to be escorted out- literally. We were all crying and wiping noses and eyes and giving hugs that day. My room mom gave me a priceless going away present that day: a pillowcase with a screen printing of a class picture with every one of my students on it. That will DEFINITELY be going to the other side of the world with me!!!!
Michelle, Paige, and Jeremy came over to help me pack up my apartment Friday night. I am so glad, too. I would never have been able to do it without them. They got my entire kitchen packed while I prayed and sorted through my bedroom stuff. I was SO blessed. They brought me tea, dinner, and packing paper. Then, Michelle helped me carry all of my clothes that weren't already packed for the Philippines or Colorado to my parent's house. Thank You, God, for friends who lay down their lives for me.
I closed up my classroom on Saturday. I was supposed to move home to my parent's house on Saturday, too. Emotionally, I couldn't handle it. So, my roommate and I had our last night in the apartment together. We talked and watched a movie together. I miss you, already, Kelly. Start saving for that plane ticket to come see me! ;-)
Sunday, my awesome, patient, wonderful father came to help me finish packing and moving my furniture into the apartment. I had not recruited anyone to help me move, so about two hours before my dad was going to show up, I sent out a text to my guy friends. God provided! Thank you, Derek, for being God's tool, even when you had other things to do.
So by 10pm on Sunday night I had all my belongings in my parents house.

Derek and my dad moving my giant fold out couch

Ok, now what? Haha!

My storage unit is still missing my mattress in this picture.

My hero

My room at my parent's house. I'm standing on top of my my twin sized bed.

My mom was laughing here. It didn't last long, though! It doesn't look like this anymore. It's much better!
I've had a very fun week that I'll post about later. For now, I am on my way to Colorado where I get to sit with Jesus on the mountain and hear His heartbeat. I am SOOOO excited about this. I need this time with HIm and my family so bad. So, until the next internet connection... be blessed!