Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Colorado- Heaven On Earth!

Praise Reports
  • My brother (Jack) arrived today- so my whole family is here
  • It is ABSOLUTELY beautiful here!
  • My dad knows how to fix things
  • God is so worthy of praise, I could go on forever
Prayer Requests
  • For the time with the family to be exactly what each of us need before I leave, for God's purposes to prevail
  • To hear God's voice clearly
  • Healing for my back
We took two days to get here (Dream Canyon, Colorado). I sat on baseballs almost the entire ride in order to make my back stop hurting. I am believing God to finish the work of healing He began.

Some of you may not know what is here in Colorado. It's a little slice of heaven! My great grandparents built a cabin outside of Rocky Mountain National Park (north of Boulder, and near Nederland) about 60 years ago. There is a mountain behind the cabin, a little bit of yard, the roaring rapids of North Boulder Creek, enough room for one car, and then another mountain. I'll post pictures when I remember to bring my camera cord with me.

We are so far up that we don't have cell phone service, nor internet in the cabin. I am currently sitting at Starbucks in Boulder while my mom grocery shops.

We arrived on Sunday to a mountain rainstorm and 47 degree temps. We are the first ones up here from our family this year. That means we get to open the cabin and do any repairs that the winter snow makes necessary. This year, the water heater was out. I had been looking forward to a warm bath, but that was delayed. We lit a fire, but I forgot to open the flew. Smoke went everywhere!! Haha!

The heater wasn't working in my room, so I slept that night with two jackets on, a hat, two pairs of socks, the electric blanket turned up to high, and about 4 blankets on top of that. I was still chilly! Haha!

Needless to say, I am so grateful that my dad knows how to fix things. My dad bought and installed a water heater for the cabin. By Monday evening, we were able to take a bath (we don't have a shower here). He also fixed the heater in my room, so I have slept comfortably ever since. :-)

I have gone hiking a few times, but mostly my parents and I have read books. It has been wonderful! I have needed a time to rest like this for so long!

Jack arrived this morning, so we are in town to pick him up, check emails, and do some shopping. We ate at our favorite place called Mountain Sun and Pub. I took pictures of the food- it is sooooo good!

I am bummed that I left my camera cord in the cabin- I have some great shots of where I am at to post. I'll have to remember that the next time I'm in town.

God is teaching me to be grateful for every little thing. It's amazing how far an attitude of gratitude can go! Try it!

Blessings! Thank you for your prayers and notes!

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