My love for the Lord continues to grow. He is so good! It is my desire to see this love recreated in others.
Last Saturday, the worship group met. (I'm going to call it HUT for future reference. It's stands for Him, Us, Them.) It was so good! The people are so excited to have this group! :-) We will be meet at 6am every Saturday from now on. God and seeing His love established in people is worth the early mornings.
I introduced the purpose of the group and we spent some time listening to the Lord and talking about why we worship. Then, I declared over each person that they are God's sheep and they do hear His voice. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in this group! I really sense from Him that HUT is foundational to what He wants to do here at IFL. There is a new foundation for the new school being built. In the same way, through this group, He is building a new foundation for worship and discipleship.
I will also be dancing with my friend Cheryl once a week. Cheryl choreographs dances for the kids whenever there are special programs. In a way, I will be discipling her, but she will be teaching me new dance moves. I'm very excited about this, too!
Don't worry about my schedule. These things are in addition to what I am doing with the school and with writing, but come out of the overflow of my time with the Lord. I am so grateful to be connecting with others at the heart level.
Speaking of schedules, I have decided that this is not the right time for me to go to Malaysia. There is no question in my heart that I will go one day, but now is not the right time. I need to establish the principles of worship, intercession, and dance here before I go anywhere else to establish them. I look forward to this work.
I am not teaching much this week. The kids are reviewing for their unit exams and quarterly exams. Since I am teaching reading comprehension, and teachers are focused mainly on grammar, the students are better off staying with their teachers in class. The teachers have not given me the review topics in advance, so I can't very well tutor them. I am spending my time observing review methods and teaching methods, as well as writing.
The other night, I was serenaded by a 14 year old during dinner with love and worship songs. He calls me Barbie and even drew me a picture that I now have hanging on my fridge. Haha! It was HILARIOUS! I love the fun connections I am making with the students and staff here. Relationship is where ministry happens. After all, life with Christ is simply all about relationship with Him.
Yesterday, I went to immigration and got my passport/visa extended. I paid 7,441 pesos for this! That is $171.11. I will not have to renew again, though until December. I am now officially considered an alien. I get my temporary resident card proving this on Monday. I always knew I was a little different. Now, a government agency officially confirms this! 1 Peter 2:11 says, "Beloved, I implore you as aliens and strangers and exiles in this world to abstain from the from fleshly desires that wage war against the soul. Conduct yourselves properly among the Gentiles so that ... they may glorify God." My citizenship and home is truly in heaven.
I am learning that anything without love truly is just a clanging symbol (1 Corinthians 13). Good works fall way, but love remains forever. My prayer is that everything I am doing is motivated from love, not duty, and that my works awaken love, not duty, in others.
The Romancer of the Universe woke me up on Sunday to a BEAUTIFUL sunrise! Check out my facebook to see all of the pictures and the scriptures He gave me that go with each picture. I'll post a few pics here.

Do you see the face in this picture?! It was like God was looking down on the Philippines, announcing His plans for the nation.

Do you see the eagle? Isaiah 40:31
I love God! Thank you so much for your prayers! He hears and moves at the sound of your voice!
Great blog post!