Tuesday, February 8, 2011

God of Wonders

Each week is so full and overwhelming (mostly in a good way); I am running out of titles for my blogs! I'm about to just start posting "Wow 1, Wow 2, Wow 3," etc. Week Of Wonders 1, Week Of Wonders 2, Week of Wonders 3, etc. :-)

I started the astronomy class last Thursday.  We have class for three hours every day with an hour break for dinner as well as reading homework.  Needless to say, I had to surrender my garden back to the original cultivators.  When this class is over next week, I will resume caring for my garden and learn more intensely.

For the high school classes last week, I taught from the book, "Oh the Places You'll Go," by Dr. Sues.  The book is a road map of sorts through the seasons of life.  I gained so much insight into my students through an activity where they compared their life to the themes from the book.  Some of the boys who are "naughty" revealed their true hearts through the assignment I gave.  Now I know how to pray and can partner with the Lord in helping them to live from their hearts.

This week, I am teaching the correct way to pronounce short vowel sounds.  I took the students out to the playground to practice.  High school students were running around, actively engaged in making and finding the correct sound cards!  I was so impressed with their desire to participate!  (I also have quite a few students who don't want to participate.  Please pray for wisdom for me that I would be given a way to motivate them.)

Tina continues to use her cutting skills, and practice her English pronunciation, too.  She is getting so much better! I am so impressed with how far her English skills have come in only 7 months.

My adult students are also learning correct pronunciation as well as story telling.  I am blessed and impressed by the dedication of these two students to learn English.

At our youth service on Saturday, God showed up in an awesome way.  We gave Him freedom to minister to individuals and to worship without limits.  Those with tired, weary hearts were refreshed.

God continued to meet with people at the Sunday service.  We had a "mini-revival" of sorts break out.  God's presence was so strong during worship.  After the message, the worship team got back on stage and we worshipped for about another hour.  The spirit of poverty was broken off of the region.  A word was given for people that God was present to meet their needs.  The men of the church took the banners with God's names on them and waved them over the congregation.  There was so much freedom!  I am praying that this freedom and love continues to increase each week.

It truly is the Lord's grace that I am able to do all that I am doing.  Just stating my schedule wears me out!    Please pray for continued grace to be disciplined to do what God has called me to do.  He fills me with joy and energy each day as I obey.

I am finishing up the Powerpoints for the teacher training I am conducting on February 18-19th.  I was supposed to finish them a few weeks ago, but I am only able to work on them a little bit at a time.  It's slow going!  I met a Filipino college professor who travels the world this weekend.  She wants a copy of my powerpoint when I am finished!  No pressure, right?!

We finished the Worship and Intercession Team application.  We are praying to be able to start the application process this weekend and have a new worship team in place by the first weekend in March.  Please pray that this can be done and pray for the right people to be on the team.

Today, I woke up at 4am to observe stars with a telescope.  I'd never done that before.  It was incredible!  From where we are, I could see the North Star as well as Scorpio, the Southern Cross, and Venus.  We also saw a star cluster, double stars, and open clusters of stars.  Tonight, we observed again.  I saw Jupiter, 3 of Jupiter's moons, our moon, Pleates, Orion, a red star, and Orion's nebula.  I made a sketch of Jupiter and its moons.

God is SOOOO CREATIVE!  If He made all the stars of heaven and knows them by name, how much more does He know and love me!  The stars can't have relationship with Him, yet He cares for them and knows them.  I am astounded by His love for me!

For the last few years, I have sponsored a child from the Philippines to go to school.  I found out this week that I will get to meet her in March!  I still have the details to work out in regards to this visit.  I never dreamed that I would be able to meet Anabel!  God is so good and faithful!  Truly He directs our paths.

God is an awesome provider!! Annie, Tina's sponsor, is on her way back to the states.  She is leaving our apartment her guitar!!!!  She is also leaving her training notebook and some basic songs.  Wahooo!!  I now have a really nice guitar to learn on.  And Nancy and Judith have a really nice guitar to play! This is confirmation to me that I really do need to take advantage of this opportunity to learn.  :-)

God is so good! :-)  Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Wow! This is amazing! I actually found your blog searching for Christian blogs. So, what do you do? Are you a teacher in the Philippines? How long have you been there??

  2. Hey Raymi! I know our schedules have been conflicting, thus not allowing us to Skype so I can go over the details you are requesting. Have you had an opportunity to read any of the book by Dr. Chuck Missler I got you. He is so very knowledgeable of the stars and has some interesting biblical points about them.

  3. Casey, That's awesome! I am a teacher/missionary in the Philippines. I have been here since July 1, 2010. I welcome you to keep reading/ following me. And feel free to share my site with anyone you know. :-)
