Thursday, March 24, 2011

School's Out for Summer

Can you hear the old Alice Cooper '70's song?

No more school!

It came suddenly.  I woke up one day and realized that the rest of the school was preparing for final exams, graduation balls, and freedom.  I was content to keep plugging away teaching SSRW.  Hello again, Whirlwind!

I have been enjoying extra time with the Lord and extra time to dance, sing, practice guitar, and plan for the future.  I also have been enjoying extra time with my friends.  My house has become the place to encounter the Lord, eat bread, print assignments, watch movies, and have fun.  I am so grateful for the friendships I have here!

The last few weeks I have challenged the youth to read their Bibles.  Everyone it seems wants to hear God.  But not everyone wants to read their Bibles.  God already spoke so much in His Word.  If we want more, we must live out what He has already revealed.  He who has will be given more.

The youth group is now reading through the book of Acts together.  Some are also following a summer reading plan that takes them through the entire New Testament in 3 months.  Each youth group meeting has a Bible Quiz time over what they are reading.  I love watching young teens scour their Bibles for truth!

We have started meeting regularly for the Worship and Intercession Team.  So many of our members are so young- in the Lord and in age!  But God... don't despise the day of small beginnings.  He can use anything.  He has such great plans for these young ones.  I pray that we all submit ourselves to the burning required to minister to the All Consuming Fire.

I started teaching a worship dance class this past week because so many of the youth group were interested in learning how to dance.  This is a challenge. I have danced my whole life, but mostly in the secret place.  And I have never taught dance.  To dance and to teach dance are two entirely different things.  But I reckon it's like prayer: more caught than taught.  And the public is the overflow of the private.

My summer assignment is to revise the Kindergarten 2 Math Curriculum, conduct a public school training for SSRW, attend Nazarite Training, and God knows what else. (I mean that with complete honesty!)

God says He lives in a whirlwind.  To be close to Him means I get caught up, too.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome things God is doing through you there.

    I am trying to come up with ideas to get more of the students at Amped more into the Bible and in the habit of bringing their Bibles to church Sunday nights. Any ideas?
