Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 4

Praise the Lord! My dad was able to find my DRA book and already has it in the mail! So, I will be able to start using it in 6-10 days! :-) Pray that it gets here safely and more quickly than scheduled, and that I remember how to use it once it arrives. It is a DRA book that I have not looked at since college.

Also, I took a "shower" last night. I would love to live in the water! I didn't think it could get any hotter or more humid than yesterday. I was wrong. Even with a fan on me, I am still dripping sweat. And yes, it is sweat, not the "glow" we try to call it in America!

The ministry here touches all over the world. I sat in the office this morning, listening to all that IFl does and wanted to just weep over the immensity of the impact. If you get an opportunity to come, DO IT! It took hours to hear what IFL does and that isn't even everything. I almost couldn't handle hearing what all they do. Jay and Michelle- it was like that time at the conference. You know what I am talking about? It can't be described, only experienced.

Please agree with me in prayer that I will be effective in designing a reading program. I am quite nervous about this because of the implications it has to be used literally all over the world. I know God will provide the strategy, it is just a huge task. And what do I do until I can assess the students?

Oh, and everyone here says that I will be staying 3-10 years. Be prepared! Hahaha!


  1. Raymi,
    thanks for the updates - it is so good to know what is happening with you and how we can pray for you and your ministry.

    love you,
    aunt patti

  2. Thank you for keeping us updated on your prayer requests as well so we can be specific! It is great to know that IFL is so involved throughout the world.
