Friday, September 3, 2010

The "Shift" Key

The "shift" key on your computer can do so many things, but only if you apply pressure to it. The first use of the "shift" key is to make letters bigger (capitalized). The "shift" key also allows you access to certain characters that would otherwise be unavailable. In addition, the "shift" key allows you to highlight letters, words, files, etc, from your keyboard with the assistance of either other buttons (such as the arrow buttons) or the mouse. These highlighted items can then be easily deleted, edited, moved, or otherwise changed.

A shift in the natural does the same thing. I have shifted my location and it's as if God is pressing the "shift" key on the keyboard of my life.

The "shift" key makes letters bigger. This has made me see that God is bigger than my American bubble. His pressure on the "shift" key of life has also made me grow bigger on the inside and rely on Him more. It has challenged me in a way that I never would have been challenged if I had stayed in the states.

God's pressurized "shift" and change of location has created access to characters that I never would have had access to before. Because I yielded to the pressure of His shift, I had an all-expenses paid trip to China where I met many wonderful people, including the head of a very successful school for international children. I have met wonderful people here in the Philippines that I eagerly and gladly call my friends. I also was privileged this week to meet Dr. Don Petry, a man who starts private schools and accreditations in over 52 nations by cooperating with government officials. I met a Filipino author of a very popular children's book series who will help me to get books into the hands of Filipino children. I met Tita Pat who has helped to start over 250+ schools in the Philippines and other Asian nations. Most importantly, I have met God Himself in a way I never would have in America. All of these characters would never have been accessed unless I had yielded to the pressure of God pushing the "shift" key in my life. (Oh yeah, I have also met a lot of bugs such as cockroaches, ants, spiders, mosquitoes, and the little black bug crawling on my computer screen right now!)

In pressing the "shift" key, God has highlighted areas that He wants to edit in my life. He is so wonderful that He won't leave imperfection alone. The "shift" key is useful in correcting mistakes, especially big ones. By allowing Him to press, He can highlight and change fonts and colors (styles/ways of doing things), sizes (bringing humility or authority), formatting (presentation of truths), and even delete things altogether with one stroke of the keyboard.

One of the things that He is continuing to edit in my life is my plans. Many of you know that I was planning on going back to Texas in November for a short visit. Right before I left for China, I was informed that this would not be a wise decision. The "shift" key in my heart had been firmly pressed, a section of hope and comfort highlighted, and then swiftly deleted. Going back to Texas in November had been a hope and a comfort that was helping me to get through all of the transitions of moving to a new country without knowing a single person. Going back to Texas to see family and friends was like a security blanket for me. As I allow God to catch my tears, I can only agree with Him that pressing the delete key is best. God wants to be my total security.

I am called to raise up sons and daughters of God who are passionately in love with their Father. If I left even for a week or two in November, I would be leaving babies behind. There is no one to take my place nor even babysit. I am developing a new program here. If I don't do the work, then it does not get done. Due to trying to figure things out, adjusting, school events, and my trip to China, the reading comprehension program is off to a snail's pace start. There is no way that I would be justified in leaving, even for a short time.

Now, I don't know when I will be back in the states. But the Lord knows. And I don't need to know. He will let me know when I need to know, when the knowledge will not become the thing I hope for. I know that His way is wonderful, or as the German lady visiting says, "Isn't He zust vonderful?!" "Yes, He iz!"

Is the process of being "shifted" always pleasant? I would be lying if I said yes. In every shift, there is pressure. But God's pressure will produce God's results. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Just as God has shifted me, I now am called to help shift this nation. I will be writing curriculum that will eventually help all 250 schools associated with IFL to improve their reading comprehension in English from Preschool to High School. I don't know how to do this, but God does.

When I write and type, I don't think about which key I'm pressing anymore, whether it be shift, delete, period, space, or any other letter or function. I will continue to let God press the "shift" key in my life, and one day, I will unthinkingly yield the pressure just like the "shift" key on this keyboard.


  1. You will be missed! I can't wait to hear about the food some more!
    Love the Tobins!

  2. Great post Raymi. This one stirred some emotions and spoke to me on a personal level.
