Friday, September 24, 2010

Sleepy Short prayer update

Let me start off by saying that it's really late here, I'm really tired, and had a really mixed up day that I may or may not write about later. Oh, Sleep! Where are you???!!!

That said, I have some really cool news to share!

I finished the first draft to my first publishable children's book this week!! It's currently entitled, "Cami the Chameleon". It may change titles a few times before it's set. But it's a picture book for ages 6-8. And it is written specifically for ESL students all over the world.


I have a giant beetle crawling on my shirt. I flicked it to the ride of it's life. I'm sure I'll find it later asking to go again.


Ok, so "Cami the Chameleon" is a parable of "Be in this world but not of this world" and how doing so results in joy and changing others. I am SOOOOO EXCIIIIIIIIIIITED about this! You can't know more right now. You'll just have to wait until it comes out. ;-)

It's not just the story I am excited about, but what I sense God wanting to do through it. For the majority of my life, I have kept journals. But since I've been here, He just keeps saying, "write, write, write, write." It's not just a reading program I will write. He has given me three children's books ideas and an adult book idea with the promise of more ideas. I know these books are going to be very important in sharing His love to the world. I want to publish them and use the money to fund missions.

Please pray that I would hear and obey, especially regarding my schedule. It's easy to want to talk to friends or do other things when I've been given the gift of time. But I want to steward my time for kingdom purposes. And right now, His kingdom purpose for me is to write.

Also, keep Jessica A. in your prayers. She has agreed to help illustrate this first book. She and I are not sure where it will go from her initial sketches. She has an amazing talent and anointing when it comes to art. I am praying that she will be able to be my illustrator. Pray for her time management too as she volunteers to sketch for me. She has a very busy life, too.

I now need to crawl to my bed and have the ride of my life in my dreams. And yes, I'll be back telling more.

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