Saturday, December 25, 2010
Before I went to America
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Counting Down
- Extend the school day by at least 30 minutes next semester (this is the point that really needs prayer. Pray that we are able to quickly and easily change the schedules and that the teachers are open to the changes. This is easier said than done.)
- Put at least 3 teachers in place to teach SSRW (each teacher will teach 3-4 grade levels every day starting in January. They need to be trained before I leave and have on-going training once I get back. I will take the High School level which is the equivalent to grades 7,8, 9, and 10)
- Test every student in the school to find their reading level (more than likely, this won't happen, but I need it to be done before I get back)
- Train the teachers in giving tests before I leave for the states (this REALLY needs to be done before I leave so that teachers can test students even while I'm gone)
- Obtain materials for each intervention group (God, give me wisdom to see the right materials even before I know the needs)
- Create a scope and sequence (objectives for each ability level) for the next three months. (Even if I get the month of January done, this will be an accomplishment and make things run more smoothly when I get back.)
- Prepare and tentatively schedule teacher training sessions on reading comprehension in 16+ topics to presented on a rotating basis next semester (this is a continual work in progress, but the more I get done now, the easier next semester will be for me.)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Oh Baby!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Celebrate and Question and Learn
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I'll be in America for Christmas
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Do I live in a zoo?
For you Americans who follow baseball....Yay Rangers!!! :-) Congrats to the team of my home country! ;-)
I've been playing with the kids here a lot. Thursday they started calling me "Momma Tiger" and they are my "Baby Tigers". I chase them and hug and tickle them if I can catch them and we all roar at each other. There are teams of older and younger and the younger ones protect me while I try to catch the older ones. I have yet to catch the older ones. About 10 of the kids will growl at me when I walk by. It's really cute! :-) I look forward to playing with them more!
This morning some of my Baby Tigers and I shoveled the mud off the sidewalks and out of the drainage ditches, as well as picked up all the trash and leaves from in front of the faculty room to the warehouse of IFL. With so many Baby Tigers and a few other Momma Tigers, it didn't take long and was fun. We used a broom made from small wooden sticks bundled together to sweep up the leaves and get the little bits of mud off the sidewalk. We took turns so it wouldn't break anyone's back.
There was a new mall built not too far from here. I went there today. On my way there, I found a little vendor stand that makes personalized wire necklaces. For $1.16, I got a necklace with my name correctly spelled on it! I'm going to go back to get Aubrey's name made so Genesis has it to wear with her. Any other orders?
The mall has a Starbucks inside!!! :-) It was like a taste of America! Can you please start putting $21 a month into my account to fund my new hiding place? lol. That's enough for travel expenses to go there once a week and get a tall mocha frapachino and a snack. Only $21 for the WHOLE MONTH. Please???
Just kidding. (Kinda.)
I was sitting inside there today, journaling and reading. It was nice. So many people walked by and just stared at me! Some of the bolder ones would actually wave when I smiled back. At one point, I was people watching from behind my safety glass and two young girls came up to the glass and stood on either side of me. Their dad was behind them and pulled out his camera and took a picture!!! I was on one side of the glass and the girls were on the other. Then, he showed me the picture, waved to say thank you, and walked off! Now I know how animals at the zoo feel.
In Crocodile Hunter voice: Crikey! What an amazing specimen we have here! I've never seen such a thing. Look at 'er! She is so intent on using her tools. I'm amazed the she knows how to make color appear on that paper. She moves with such speed and focus! Watch, she made a mistake and now crossed it out, but it doesn't stop 'er. She just keeps going. Oh, she noticed me standin' here, tryin' to take a picture. What is she goin' to do next? Crikey! She put her head on her hands and smiled! And just in time for the snapshot! Woah there, mates, she is a beauty!
Hahaha! Such is my life.
"Happy Starbucks to you...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
BABY! Details of an interesting week
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Awakening Love

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I think I'm in love.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sore Throat + Possible Malaysia Trip
Isaiah 40:31, "Those who wait for the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and soar close to God as eagles soar close to the sun..."
In my post yesterday, I mentioned the church in Malaysia. What I didn't mention is that Pastora Margaret invited me to come share on worship, dance, and prayer to the youth group (AKA her church). There is a group of people from IFL going there at the end of November and there is a possibility of me joining them to teach on these topics at this time. I don't know yet if this is the right timing, but I do sense from the Lord that I will go one day.
The only thing stopping me from going with the group at this time is transportation- that and follow up contact with the pastor (she doesn't have internet). The group is going for about 2 weeks and I can't be gone from here for that long. But I could go for a weekend that extends into the next week. There is not a direct flight there... I would take a plane from here to Singapore, take an hour long taxi ride to one airport in Malaysia, take another flight to a different Malaysian island, then take a vehicle to the final destination. So, if I travel there alone, it is potentially a difficult and inconvenient trip for all parties. I'm willing to do it and not afraid. The only real travel hiccup would be from the last airport to the ultimate destination. I don't yet know how long that trip is. If it is too long, that would stop me from going.
Please pray that contact can be made with the Malaysian coordinators so that if I get to go, I can get a good price on a ticket. I would LOVE to do this. It is one of those things that if I get to go, that's awesome, but if I don't, I know that I'll go later in life and won't be disappointed. As I always say, I want God ideas, not just good ideas. And I want God's timing, not mine.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Update on life
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sleepy Short prayer update
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Giving Up
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A new kind of normal
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tears and Waterfalls
Our culture (and many others) often looks at tears as a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. However, God considers tears to be a very valuable thing. I have spent this entire year learning just how precious they are to my Father. He counts every single one.
There was a time in January that I cried many tears. They were tears of brokenness, of surrender, of prayers for others. The Lord showed me a powerful thing from Psalm 56, Psalm 126, and from an encounter with Him.
Psalm 56:8 says, “You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle—are they not written in Your book?” God already knows every tear we cry or will cry. He catches every single one. (For those of you have read The Shack, Psalm 56:8 is the Biblical basis for the Holy Spirit catching the tears of the main character.)
The next verse of Psalm 56 is what amazes me (verse 9): “THEN shall my enemies turn back in the day that I cry out; this I know, for God is for me.”
In this passage, it is not until tears are shed that enemies are turned back. Sometimes, the enemy is circumstances. Sometimes enemies are real demons. Sometimes, as I am learning, the enemy is yourself.
The tears are not the point of weakness. Tears are weapons against all that is not right in the world. Tears are a sign that you are at the end of yourself and the beginning of God. There is nothing to be ashamed of when you cry. You have the opportunity to win in your weeping if you allow your Warrior God to winnow.
Psalm 126:5-6 says, “They who sow in tears shall reap in joy and singing. He who goes forth bearing seed and weeping shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
This verse says enough. There is another side to the tears. I know that many of you who read my blog and pray for me have wept over the news that I am not coming home in November.
Some of you wept with me before I left. Remember the promise of the Lord. Our tears are not wasted and we will have a day of rejoicing. I do not know yet when that will be, but we will have that day and God will have that day of rejoicing.
In January, when I was learning this, I had an encounter with God that has forever changed me. I was weeping over a situation, but knew that Daddy was catching every single one of my tears. Then, I had a picture come to mind of a mountain cliff with two waterfalls. The entire scene reminded me of the waterfalls I saw when I went to Iquazu, Argentina. Here is a picture from there. Just imagine a taller cliff with trees above it and more defined waterfalls. Other than that, the picture looked like this.
In the picture, though, I also saw the face of Jesus. The cliffs formed His features. The waterfalls were coming from His eyes. It was as if Jesus was showing me that when I cry, I am joining in with His tears. His tears were like rushing waterfalls that created a beautiful river where wildlife, and flora and fauna could thrive. The place of pain, of the waterfall of tears, is the place where life flows. The tears are healing and bring life to a place that would otherwise be just a stony cliff.
In the tears that are being shed over shedding my American lifestyle and more, I am partnering with Jesus to make stony cliffs into places of refreshment, healing, life, and growth. Without the tears, this life would not be possible.
James 1:2-4 “Consider it wholly joyfully, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking in nothing.”